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50 Million Pounds and Counting

The results speak for themselves, but allow us to wax poetic. This is a major milestone and it was made possible banana peel by apple core and chicken bone by potato skin. Put simply, each scrap has added up to tons upon tons of food waste composted. Thanks to everyone in the Blue Earth Compost community, especially our awesome operations staff that work hard every day. We’d also like to highlight you, our customers, big and small!

50 million pounds can be hard to wrap your head around. For reference, it’s roughly equivalent to :

  • 151.5 million apples (The US grows approx. 240 million apples each year)

  • 6.25 million pails collected (average weight of 8 pounds - we’ve collected about 320,000 for reference)

  • 16,666 male adult beluga whales

Our milestone also fits within the larger movement nationally. One example of this comes from BioCycle, the compost industry’s magazine of note. According to a study they produced, about 9% of US households have access to food scrap recycling programs as provided by their municipality. That’s up from only about 4% of households, ten years ago. There is still a ways to go, but the momentum is growing.

Thanks for being a part of this movement as we all work towards a future in which everyone composts!

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