Cultivating Sustainability Together: Municipal Partnerships for Greener Communities
We're Leading the Way to a Low-Waste Future
We provide solutions for the largest part of the waste stream: food. Whether it be setting up curbside organics collection, a commercial district collection program, or a transfer station site for residential drop off, Blue Earth Compost is leading the way in getting food scraps away from landfills and incinerators, and towards composting.

How we serve YOU
Curbside Organics Collections
Collecting directly from the curb makes a big impact. It's the most accessible way to provide organics collection and will get the highest participation rates. Reach out to learn the different approaches.
Transfer Station Collections
Municipal Buildings &
Commercial District Collections
If your town or city operates a transfer station, a great way to divert food scraps from the MSW stream is through voluntary drop-off programs. They are accessible to residents and very easy to set up. Super cost effective as well!
Around half of the waste stream comes from institutions and businesses. Partner with us to collect from schools or a municipally-controlled commercial district. It's a quick solution that can make a big difference and could save money for your municipality.
Starting a robust organics collection program doesn't happen by dropping off containers and hoping for the best. That's why we help our municipal customers to run promotional campaigns to educate users and the public around our programs. We call these campaigns "Feed the Earth", because when we compost we're feeding the Earth rather than landfills and incinerators. To learn more click here.

Kim O'Rourke, Recycling Coordinator, City of Middletown
"Blue Earth Compost is dedicated to helping municipalities divert food scraps from the waste stream. They are a solution-oriented group that is willing to work through every step of the process, from ideation to completion, in order to help make your town's waste collection more environmentally-friendly. In our case, they were also able to help the City save money on their tip fees. Blue Earth Compost truly walks the walk."
Linda Talbott, Haddam Sustainability Committee
"I am a member of the Haddam Sustainability Committee. In 2021, I embarked on doing research to find a vendor to help Haddam begin a food scrap diversion project. Blue Earth Compost was extremely helpful. They helped us design brochures and they answer questions that pop up from the community regarding "can I compost this or that?"